Emergency Notification Information

The following three types of information should be added and/or updated as you begin your education at New College and at any time your personal information changes. Information on all three types are synopsized below:

Emergency Contact Information

请使用您的网赌平台网站号登录,并在NEWCLEIS中提供这些重要信息. This person will be contacted by College officials in the event of an emergency involving a student. 这将包括涉及学生的伤害或疾病.

NCFSafe Campus Alert System

Please sign up with NCFSafe. 这些信息将用于在赌城平台网站紧急情况下通知您. 该系统能够通过电子邮件、短信和语音传递重要信息. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE IS YOURS. We need to be able to contact you as quickly as possible so make sure the information is yours and updated as needed.

Missing Person Information

Log in and fill out this important information. This contact person will be notified by Campus Police and authorized College Officials if you reside on Campus and are reported missing. The person you list as your Missing Person Contact can be anyone you choose if you are at least 18 years of age or emancipated. 如果你未满18岁,必须是你的父母或监护人.

在所有已经确认有人在赌城平台网站失踪的事件中, the Campus Police will be the law enforcement agency with primary responsibility for conducting the investigation. 立即向校警报告所有疑似失踪人员. 根据高等教育机会法(公法110-315), each student residing on campus has the option of registering a confidential contact person to be notified in case that student is determined to be missing. 未满18岁且未被解放的学生, a parent or guardian must be the designated contact. Only authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers conducting the missing person investigation may access a student’s confidential contact information. 向校警报告赌城平台网站内所有失踪人员, even if they have not registered a contact person. 一旦调查确认一名住校学生失踪, the Higher Education Opportunity Act mandates that the designated contact be notified within 24 hours. The Campus Police will immediately notify the designated contact upon confirmation that the student is missing. 其他地方执法机构也将得到通知, and the missing student will be entered into the CJIS computer database per current protocol.

Fire Safety Information

New College has a responsibility to provide a safe environment for students, faculty, and staff. 学生宿舍的消防安全是这项工作中最重要的方面之一. 国家消防条例提供了维护安全宿舍的处方, but cooperation from student staff and residents is the most important factor in reducing risk.

Fire safety regulations in force at New College are legal standards of the State of Florida. 社区里的每个人都必须遵守消防法规的规定. Everyone who lives in a New College residence hall is personally accountable for the observance of all fire safety regulations, which are enforced by the State fire marshal, Campus Police, and the Office of Residence Life. In order to achieve compliance, and thereby provide a reasonably safe, hazard-free living environment, 学院要求每位学生遵守以下基本安全规则.

Air Quality任何形式的吸烟都不允许在赌城平台网站内任何建筑物内或15英尺范围内吸烟. This includes, but is not limited to, residence hall rooms, lounges, hallways, elevators and restrooms. Students who disagree with smoking or exposure to smoke should make a reasonable effort to resolve the matter among themselves. Keep in mind, however, that students have a right to be free of exposure from smoke and the hazards associated with fire that may be caused by smoke. This right takes precedence over the right to smoke. 任何公共场所不得使用或放置烟草制品. Evidence of use may result in a $100 fine.


  • 海报、横幅、壁挂、窗帘和挂毯应该保持在最低限度. Curtains should be flame-resistant/retardant. 这种挂件不应超过房间总墙面面积的25%.
  • Carpet is to be laid on the floor only. 不得安装在墙壁、门、橱柜等处.
  • Combustible wall paneling is prohibited.
  • Papers, streamers, holiday decorations, 丝带必须是隔爆的或由不燃材料制成的.
  • Open flame burning of any kind (including, but not limited to, candles, incense burners, sparklers, etc.) is prohibited anywhere within the residence halls.
  • Use or storage of flammable fluids, chemicals, explosives, primers, powder, firecrackers, or fireworks is strictly forbidden.
  • Compressed gasses, with the exception of household aerosols, are not allowed within the residential facilities.
  • Furniture, decorations, alterations, or arrangements !bat violate fire or building codes, 或阻碍进入或快速离开房间或走廊是不允许的.
  • Decorations, arrangements, 或者是导致火灾负荷过大的内务操作, 或允许可燃物位于不允许的点火源附近.
  • Halogen lamps operate at very high temperatures, well above those of regular lamps, and pose a greater potential for fires. Consequently, all lamps, including floor and desk lamps, must be incandescent or fluorescent. Lamps must have bulbs of 300 watts or less. 为确保正确、安全的操作,必须遵循以下指引:
  • 不要把灯放在窗帘或其他布艺窗边.
  • Never drape anything over the lamp.


学生宿舍内不得使用非本学院安装的烹调设备, with the following exceptions:

  • 根据制造商的说明使用微波炉是允许的.
  • Hot pots and coffeepots must have a timed or thermostatically controlled automatic shut-off-switch.
  • Appliances with open elements (such as toasters, toaster ovens, 等)只允许在学院指定的烹饪区域(如休息室)使用, kitchen areas in Dort/Goldstein Residence Halls).
  • Only portable heaters authorized or distributed by the College are authorized for use in the Residence Halls.
  • Heat producing devices such as lamps, grow lights, and sun lamps may not to be used in confined spaces or in close proximity to combustible material

Electrical Outlets

  • Only one high-wattage appliance such as a hair dryer should be connected at one time to a single outlet.
  • Electrical devices must be maintained in good repair, with no breaks in the wiring or wiring insulation.
  • 不得用延长线代替照明用的永久电线, televisions, radios, stereos, etc.
  • 不允许直接插入墙壁插座的多个插座设备.
  • 重型,多出口装置配备内部断路器保护(i.e., power strips) are authorized for limited use. 所有这些设备必须使用最小的16号线,3线,接地的三脚线.

Corridors and Stairwells

  • 所有走廊和楼梯间的防火门必须始终关闭, unless equipped with automatic, electromagnetic door releases. Fire doors retard the travel of smoke, heat and toxic gases produced by fires, and help to contain the fire in the area of origin. 这一点很重要,因为它让居住者有更多的时间撤离.
  • No combustible material such as paper, cloth, nylon, or burlap may be added to or mounted on the fire doors.
  • 走廊、楼梯间和出口通道必须始终保持畅通无阻. 不允许存放、装饰、展示、家具或其他障碍物.
  • 波特和戈尔茨坦宿舍楼的居民可以携带不可燃的(i.e. plastic or metal) furniture and plants/containers in the alcove space outside their doorways. 不允许携带任何布料、木材或软垫家具/容器. Bicycles may be placed within these alcoves; otherwise, bicycles are not allowed in hallways at any time. Exit identification signs and lights are not to be blocked, altered, or bidden at any time. They must remain unobstructed and visible.
    • Once notified students will be charged the removal and disposal cost and may be fined $200 for any items left outside the suite area.
    • 宿舍内不允许使用烤架、打火机或木炭.
  • Air-conditioning closets in Dort and Goldstein Residence Halls are for maintenance use only. 它们不得用作任何形式的储存,并且必须始终保持空状态.


  • All regulations stated above apply to lounge areas.


Each student room in the Pei and Viking Residence Halls is equipped with a single station smoke alarm.

此告警仅用于通知房间占用者. 它不会提醒大楼的其他地方发生火灾. 探测器应保持可操作状态,并定期检测. If it is found to be inoperable, notify Housing Maintenance immediately for repair or replacement.

Dort, Goldstein, and B-Dorm Residence Halls are equipped with a building fire alarm system that senses fire and/or smoke. 该系统也可以在发生火灾时手动启动. 报警站位于走廊的出口点,如楼梯间. Residents should familiarize themselves with the manual pull station locations within their residence. THE BUILDING FIRE ALARMS ALERT THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. They will respond automatically when an alarm sounds.

Vandalism or tampering with life safety equipment is against the law; all violators will be prosecuted.

Fire drills will take place. 不合作的学生将面临严重的指控.


Fire Extinguishers:

Fire extinguishers are located in hallways/common areas for use ONLY in case of fire (and only after first initiating the building fire alarm). Students should not attempt to fight afire that cannot be immediately extinguished with the fire extinguisher. If the fire cannot be put out quickly, leave the area. Report all damaged, depleted, or missing fire extinguishers to your RA as soon as possible.

Fire Sprinklers:

Dort and Goldstein Residence Halls have fire sprinkler systems installed in the living room area. Do not cover them with any material. Do not hang plants, decorations, etc., from sprinklers. 水对住宅的损害可能是由于喷头的损坏造成的. 洒水喷头不得以任何方式被篡改、改变、遮盖或堵塞.

Moving In

  • Residents should read and understand the fire safety information on the Department of Residence Life website, 以及所有贴在宿舍里的信息. 不要以任何方式阻碍或损坏这些说明.
  • Residents should locate all exits from their floor, and familiarize themselves with landmarks that would aid evacuation if visibility were reduced by smoke.
  • Students should locate all fire alarm pull stations on their floor and familiarize themselves with their correct operation.

RA Role in Case of Fire

All residents and visitors are required to evacuate the building immediately when a building fire alarm sounds or when an RA or staff member requests an evacuation.

Evacuation Areas

  • Know where your residence hall’s evacuation area is.
    • 波特和戈尔茨坦的居民应该在垒球场上集合
    • B宿舍的住客应在咨询和健康中心前集合
    • Pei residents should gather on Z Green
    • VWXY residents should gather on the softball field
    • Z residents should gather on Z Green

Letter Dorms (VWXYZ)

如果火警响起时你(RA)正在你的区域, 进行适当的疏散,并鼓励你的居民也这样做. Do what you can to keep residents in those locations, and cooperate with any campus and local police, housing staff, 以及响应警报的消防部门人员. 和他们联系,听从他们的指示. Do not return to your room until fire department or police personnel determine that it is safe to do so.

More Safety Information

更多的安全信息可以从赌城平台网站警察那里找到,为USF服务 & New College of Florida.